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NNIW88 - Dysbiosis in the Neonatal Period: Role of C-Section - Josef Neu
Early, transitional and post-discharge enteral nutrition for VLBW infants Josef Neu
C-Section & Obesity: Are Vaginal Microbes Needed for Normal Metabolic Development?
C- Sections Versus Vaginal Delivery, Breast Feeding, Gut Microbiome, Formula, Probiotics
The Microbiome & Gut Health Start at Birth
Immune Diseases Were More Common in Those Born by C-Section
From Birth to (Micro)Biome
Babies' gut bacteria is affected by delivery method
Caesarean sections cause obesity and microbiome changes in mice
Common deficiences caused from Gut dysbiosis
Consumer Reports breaks down c-sections vs vaginal births
Childbirth and the Microbiome - with and Toni Harman | The Empowering Neurologist EP. 44